Barbara Sher’s Idea Party


How Does the Online Idea Party Work?

You have a dream or a wish, and an obstacle to getting there. (If you don’t think you know your wish, work through my kick-starter and read this post. To learn why you must put logic aside to find your dream, read the following.)

The online Idea Party is here to help you – and the other fellow party goers – with your wishes and obstacles.

Voices from Success Teams and Idea Parties:

Having a team to report to and hearing what everybody did each week is very exciting. It’s kept me moving all year. In the past I made some good starts on my own, but found, every time, when the energy ran out, I ran out. Now it doesn’t run out.
Jade G.
Children’s Playroom Therapist, New York Hospital

I would do a painting a year, a sketch a year. If it was only me I know I would never do it. Having to tell you makes all the difference. It’s crazy why I didn’t do this years ago, it’s so easy all of a sudden.
Caroline R. Personnel Executive, Macy’s Dept Store

Post Your Wish and Your Obstacle Here!

And help your team mates out when you can. Use the Reply link to help, the form below the comments to add your own Wish and Obstacle.

(Your first comment below has to be approved, so it may not display instantly depending on the time of the day. Once your email address is approved you can post instantly. If you want your own profile photo to show up beside your comments, instead of the cute little design, upload your photo on and give them an hour or so to make it happen.)

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4,435 thoughts on “Barbara Sher’s Idea Party

  1. My dream is to become a digital nomad. Work remotely full time. I’m an accountant and so far all I’ve gotten are interviews that led to no where.

    • Dear Shira,
      What is your obstacle? What do you love about being a digital nomad? Do you want to live fulltime as nomad or just have the Independence to work where you want? At Home, in a Café, at the seaside,. .
      Did you already start a Business in your Home-Office anderen try it, do you have clients?

      I am also dreaming of work and live somewhere else, which is possible due to Internet and Smartphone.

      So i took my Laptop and spent a month in Mallorca to finally try it.

      I realized: great to be at the sea and with warm climate, but i prefere having a Home Base, don’t wanna live out of a suitcase all the time, and enjoy to be free to work either in my Home-Office, or in a coworking, or Hotel.

      So, what do you love most?

      • Hi Astrid,
        I don’t know what my obstacle is. I get interviews, and then nothing or rejection. I even paid someone over $500 for help with the applying and interviewing. It still didn’t help. I honestly do not know what it is.

        I want to be able to travel more often and not be tied down to one place. I have family and friends all over the world and would love the flexibility to be able to see them more often. I also just love to travel in general.

        Do you maybe know someone who is looking to hire a remote accountant? I’m not at a point in my career where I’m ready to start my own business, thats why I’m looking to work for someone for now.

        Thanks for your response.


    • Hi @Shira Leibman.
      Have you listed on the various ‘freelance work’ websites that allow for exchange of remote work such as Upwork, and so forth? I wonder if you can get enough volume from these to be more nomadic?
      I do software development (which should also be great for a traveling lifestyle) and for a long time I was discouraged by extremely low compensation some of these offered but I wonder if the situation is improving or if compensation is better for accounting work?

        • Hi @Shira Leibman,
          that is exactly how I viewed software engineering on these sites! I live in a developed western nation and simply cannot work and support a family with compensation that is far below poverty level.
          Someone told me these sites are no longer so disastrously low pay. When I wrote to you I had been hoping maybe the situation would be a better one for you, or that maybe there had been some positive change in web-freelancing industry since the last time I looked at it.

    • Hi @Shira Leibman.
      Have you listed on the various ‘freelance work’ websites that allow for exchange of remote work such as Upwork, and so forth? I wonder if you can get enough volume of income from these sites to be more nomadic?
      I do software development (which should also be great for a traveling lifestyle) and for a long time I was discouraged by extremely low compensation some of these offered but I wonder if the situation is improving or if compensation is better for accounting work?

  2. Wish: I am fascinated in indigenous culture and ways of life, and I would love to find out how I can help indigenous peoples and learn more about them. I also love painting which I’ve done my whole life (although no qualifications) and I want to use it for science communication. I also want to be a dancer.

    Obstacles: I have a one year old daughter, and a husband who doesn’t want to travel (I’m quite isolated in Austria as I’m still learning German/don’t have any friends with children) and my qualifications are in environmental science and biochemistry, and i don’t have much money (working as a part-time english teacher). I have some experience in oriental and contemporary dance, but no qualifications.

    • in which indigenous culture you are especially intrested in? There are many projects all over the world you could make a Praktikum. or you can offer courses in painting and dancing. Or you just could work with indigenous artists and organize exhibitions for them in Austria….

      • or you can go to the indigenous people you are interested in just as a ttraveller and then make peintings nd perhaps a book or some srticles in journals about your expereince and make an exhibition to make people in Austria aware of the culture inquestion (and there are always possibilities to travel with a little child)

    • Clementine–

      Look up Dr. Nalini Nadkarni. She’s an awesome ecologist, biologist, and science communicator who does some of the things you talk about. Originally, she couldn’t decide whether to be a dancer or a scientist, so she tried out each and decided on science.

      Here’s a TED talk she did. I haven’t watched it yet, but I’ve seen/heard her in other things, and she was great.

      From the page:

      “Nalini Nadkarni

      Subtitles in 22 languages

      **Conserving the canopy**

      Comments (65)

      A unique ecosystem of plants, birds and monkeys thrives in the treetops of the rainforest. Nalini Nadkarni explores these canopy worlds — and shares her findings with the world below, through dance, art and bold partnerships.”

      So it looks like she’s still dancing, and has woven it into her work!

      Good luck! 🙂

  3. I am really feeling stuck in life right now. I am a graduate but I don’t consider myself worthy of anything. For the past 4-5 months, various instances have made me realize that my education was inadequate. I am not good at anything, I don’t have skills, I don’t have knowledge about even the basic things and I don’t have passion. I have realized all of this is because I left the responsibility of my education to the school system and college, both of which failed me miserably. I never took charge of my own education. I never consciously thought about it. But now I want to do that I want to work on myself. I want to educate myself and learn new things and develop skills. I want to feel proud of myself and be confident.
    I don’t know where to start. I don’t know how to do it. I don’t have money to get training or professional help. I need courses and study material and a lot of motivation. Because of the feelings of worthlessness and bad habits that I have developed over the last 3 years, like procrastination and laziness. I am not able to get started.

    • Which field are you in or you want to be in? Believe it or not, going to trade shows and conferences and attending their panels can actually gain you quite a bit of knowledge.

      Connecting with the speakers and prepare a few questions off of their speeches get you connected quickly.

    • I was in this situation a few year ago, I would recommend just to start anything you are vaguely interested in which requires you to go to a course or seminar and spend time with new people, talking to new people helps give a perspective on direction, if you don’t have the money start a part time job (cleaning or waitressing or anything) which will give your life some structure and save some money. Hope it helps 🙂

      • A couple of thoughts: there are free online lectures and courses you can take to test the waters. I think there’s at least one university that does this…
        Another thought is that it sounds like your mood is a bit low. Can you write yourself a letter and list some things you are already proud of yourself for? No matter how small. Maybe a kindness you offered someone, sharing a smile. If you can help yourself to feel a little better, that will always help start some momentum in a positive direction. Rooting for you!

    • Hi Megha!
      I highly recommend the book “The Well-Educated Mind” by Susan Wise Bauer, and “Daring Greatly” by Brené Brown. The first book will give you the tools you need to educate yourself on any subject, as well as suggested books to read. That might inspire you with a subject you like! Daring Greatly will inspire you on ways you can reach out and find what you’re looking for. Another great book is “Suceed” by Heidi Grant-Halvorson. She gives lots of practical advice on how to set goals and the kinds of goals you need to get done what you want to accomplish. And you are worthy! I believe in you!

  4. “DREAM”: I would like to buy a full-service inn which my family would reside in and can manage-operate as our family’s livelihood. It would be lovely to operate other business(es) for supplemental income and to serve people in other great ways but the inn is very important.

    P.S. Receiving an inn as a gift/grant instead of buying would be ok with me too but not exactly something that happens every day of the year.

    P.S. I don’t even like calling this a dream; for some people it looks like a dream but for me it is a practical reality that I urgently like to move forward with that is meant to support my family while serving people.

    OBSTACLE: An extended family member acted dishonestly and stopped us buying while we were in the middle of actually doing this exact thing. We lost the downpayment, killed my means of earning a living (the property), and destroyed my credit. Figure a typical property is $2M. I am personally still the same human being with the love and education for hospitality ownership, but my family’s life situation looks impossible to recover from.

    TEMPORARY NEED: I need immediate cash to feed my family and pay for heat this winter and water, clothing, etc. Supposing I try to build different business to recover financially until we finally recover enough to buy inn, I still need immediate cash to survive the family. I do have skills that I thought could be sold in software and accounting/bookkeeping but don’t have the relationships to connect with freelance gigs; and haven’t had a W2 offer in “forever.” Yes I have become *that* ruined / wrecked. Apart from the famous gig web sites that have been very notorious for paying very badly, how can I obtain gigs at least to keep us alive for temporary (or locate a gift of a deed to a commercial property)?

    • I don’t know if this would be relevant, but I just read an article that the Italian government is giving away historical castles to people who would like to live there and maintain them for tourism. I’ll see if I can find you more info on that if you’re interested.

      • yes, me to. I think it was an article in Conde Nast Traveller. There are also villages to be inhabited for free. You could ask there for more informations

        • @Shira Leibman and @Ulrike
          Wow, that would be an adventure to pursue free castles or villages abroad. I have not any idea if this could be made into a practical situation to support a family but I think it is good to check it out !! Thank you both.

  5. Hey. I am looking for a job in NYC. I need one in order to continue staying here which is super important to my mental health. But I don’t know if any jobs will hire me because I lack a lot of experience again due to my mental health. What I have is a degree in fine arts from the San Francisco Art Institute specializing in painting. Here are the things I’m interested in: wild animals, helping children read and write, art, writing in any capacity, literature, flower design, and helping folks who are homeless, in poverty, queer or young. Does anyone know of anything off the top of their heads that might help me? It’s hard out there. Everything’s so competitive. Thanks

    • Hi. Sorry you’re having a rough time.

      Maybe you could try volunteering somewhere, to start out, if you have the time and some kind of paying job? Maybe something like a NYC version of SF’s Creativity Explored. ( )

      “Mission Statement
      Creativity Explored gives artists with developmental disabilities the means to create and share their work with the community, celebrating the power of art to change lives.”

      Or apply as an art teacher at a private school. AIUI, you don’t necessarily have to have a teaching certificate there.

      Or apply at an art museum to be a guide, or anything else they have available.

      And try to take good care of your mental health. If you don’t already have a therapist, you might check for low-cost options at Catholic Charities, United Way, or other info & referral resources. Or a support group, or a pertinent 12-step group.

      Take care, and good luck! 🙂

    • I am not from N.Y. I am from montreal. I know when you have you degree in fine arts you can take a master in art therapy. Here in montreal the cost for international studies is very lost cost. I know that they teach it at Concordia university i was at their open door visit recently and it was a program i was intetested in. Also they told me that they have this program called the beehive. A non profite drop in art centers everywhere. Maybe you can create an non profit art program like it and add an art gallery to it or sell the art online and share the profits or create theme art books. I hope it helps you. Also there is something called “LES IMPATIENTS” It is an art things for people with all kinds of hard situation, i think they are situated in hospitals, im not sure but its non profit. They create art and sell it.

  6. I’d like to share a WIN which I’ve been working on for two months non-stop. I thought that I wouldn’t be able to do this because it was a constant thing and I’m so much better in project-based work. But I convinced myself that each episode was a new creative adventure.That worked for me. I didn’t feel so overwhelmed. So I was able to develop a new podcast with that thinking.

    Welcome to my new baby, The Mary Mac Show | Understanding Your Grieving Heart After a Loved One’s Death.

    If you or someone you know could use this, please visit Spotify, Apple Podcasts/ITunes, Stitcher and search.

    You can also go to and click on the Podcast Introduction page.

    Grateful to hear your feedback.

      • Thank you Traveler! That means a lot that you took the time to respond and wish me well.

        If you visit Apple/Itumes, Spotify or Stitcher you can search the name of the show and subscribe, if this is of use to you at this point. Love for you to pass along the information for others who may need it.


  7. Hi Jocelyn
    Perfectly normal to feel shaken up! Changes in relationships, work and home location are huge areas in people’s lives and especially if they happen at the same time! At least your new job will boost your wellbeing a bit.
    Have you checked out to find like minded locals, there are quite a few groups in Naples, FL. Give it a try, I personally found many (3-5 is a lot for me) friends through this platform. You meet by doing something you enjoy from just going for coffee to sports to crafts etc. Maybe a colleague likes to come too?
    Good luck and please note: there is no exam on becoming an adult, we’re all learners with our ups and downs! Hugs, Marianne

  8. Hello everyone!! I wanted to share here what I want in case anyone has some inspiration.

    I want to be a dancer/acrobat. I know I can’t make it into the bolshoi but would love to perform even if it’s not profesionally and I’m not getting paid. I also want to live in a rural area, I love the nordic countries, or any place whit snow and would love to have a farm lifestyle.

    I don’t have a huge obstacle, but I don’t know how I could make both things work at the same time. If anyone has experience in something related I would love so much you shared it.

    • Hi Abby:

      By both things, do you mean dancer & acrobat OR dancer/acrobat & living rurally?

      Some quick thoughts:

      Dancer & acrobat — circus, local repertory theater, start a local community theater company, have someone to come in to teach dance & acrobatics, find a suitable play (or write it), and perform for the village or just for yourselves,

      Dancer/acrobat — start a cheerleading team at the local high school (or open to adults in the community also) & learn to dance & fling each other into the air, etc.

      Google “where to be a dancer and acrobat” — there are some interesting links, including one about “Acro Dance” — the kind of acrobatic dance that Cirque du Soleil does.

      Go on YouTube to see if you can find videos that will teach you dance & acrobatics. A whole troupe could use such videos as their coach.


      • Hello, I suggest if you want to feel the cold, living in rural and be an acrobat. COME HERE! Again i am talking about Montreal. It Cirque du Soleil home and a circus- accrobat school.

  9. I’m getting the book too, but I wanted to share. I am a mom of 6, creative, never short on ideas but often short on resources or connections.

    I want to travel and create an immersive experience with everyone who would appreciate global artisans and their crafts. I am a designer for home builders. But I want to be able to video the cities, villages, share the food, sights, struggles, homes, history, music, and ultimately handmade goods that can support their families. Some of which we purchase in stores without knowing our human connection. And what might they want to do or be? I’ve taken some steps, but I need help.

    • Hi Jessica!

      First, I am sending you so much love for your beautiful dream. It’s incredible to want to educate people more on their purchasing power / voting with their dollar + create that connection between the artisan and enjoyer-of-the-finished-piece. 🙂

      I don’t know if this helps, but a few things came to mind…

      This site showcased 25 fair-trade vendors (that I feel like would have a lot of inspiration on their sites, similar to your dream):

      Perhaps beginning by researching how these companies are honoring the artisans and bridging the connection between maker and buyer. Your dream and idea may be totally different, but maybe some of the details/concepts are similar.

      And, although this company didn’t make the list, it’s worth checking out:

      AND – the reason I found out about Earth Heir was through (a cultural exchange program I participated in while traveling through Asia and Europe on limited funds…an incredible experience that I’d recommend to anyone and everyone. I’d also poke around on this site for:
      1. people with similar dreams as yours (all over the world!), and perhaps connect with them over e-mail. I think what you’re putting together is so beneficial, and I imagine other people will want to help you how they can.
      2. an idea to host your own workawayer! If you are needing any type of assistance with your idea (for example: an expert video maker, marketer, copywriter, etc.) then you can host them in your home and they help you for FREE for a place to sleep. It’s really a BEAUTIFUL exchange…and also a wonderful way to bring the travelers to you before you go out on your own travels.

      Best of luck!!

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