
Author, Speaker, Coach Barbara Sher passed away on May 10, 2020.
Read Barbara’s obituary here. Barbara’s Club and all its programs continue in the hands of those she trained.

Registration for Hanging Out opens on April 3, 2025

If you have not yet experienced the jewel in the crown of Barbara’s Club, please check out Hanging Out. Enjoy a full year of treats every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. To make sure everyone gets to know plenty of other people, we now open registration only twice a year. Full year registration will open again on April 3, 2025. We will begin hanging out together on Monday, April 21st. Don’t miss this! Prior members still have access to all messages they paid for. Links are on the Hanging Out page when you are logged in.

Survival Guide for Dreamers

Survival Guide calendar, day 1If you’ve got a dream (or wish you had one) it’s time to stop being stuck. Let us send you 365 days of Barbara’s help with procrastination and Resistance. This new program is designed to give you exactly what you need to finally get moving. Here’s how it works: One day at a time for a full year Barbara will be with you via a brief email, helping you get past the procrastination and resistance that have kept you from achieving your dreams. That’s it. No exercises to do. No discussions to keep up with. Just an email a day to encourage you and teach you how to deal with whatever prevents you from going after your dreams. Begin your Survival Guide year at any time.

Barbara Sher Book Clubs

Our next book club will read I Could Do Anything If I Only Knew What It Was from July 24th through November 12th of 2025. Registration will open on July 10, 2025. I hope you’ll join us. Read more about it here. Members of ongoing book clubs should contact for assistance. Even after our official reading period has ended, members are still welcome to add comments for the full year. You won’t be alone in finishing the exercises. And please visit this page to see what other book clubs we have scheduled.

The Dare to Soar Telesummit Recordings

All of the mini-workshops at our February 8, 2025 Telesummit were recorded, and you can listen to all of them for free.

Thinking Through Refuse to Choose: 101 things every Scanner should know

Thinking Through Refuse to Choose coverAre you a Scanner? These are people with a different (and often misunderstood) type of mindset: they’re curious and smart, always happiest when learning something new. But no matter how promising a path may appear, Scanners can never give up their love of exploring. And therein lies the problem: despite their passionate engagement with the world and their love of life, Scanners are unable to decide on one path, and they’re often afraid that there’s something horribly wrong with them. It’s usually forgotten that such people were once admired for their wide range of knowledge, even called Renaissance thinkers. Now they’re often labeled as immature, lazy dilettantes by a culture that prizes specialization above all else. I wrote this 99-cent Kindle book (with two great helpers) to highlight the top 101 takeaways from my book, Refuse to Choose! Use All of Your Interests, Passions, and Hobbies to Create the Life and Career of Your Dreams. Use it as an introduction or as a reminder after you read the book. Purchase this Kindle book here.

WriteSpeak Online: Write Your Own Success Story

WriteSpeak Online registration is closed now until September 13, 2025. This is Barbara’s entire WriteSpeak program—the 6-hour, highly interactive Teleworkshop plus a new 48-week online version of the material that was in her WriteSpeak retreat and telecourse, all for a fraction of the earlier price. The course is now taught by Kandy Sartori, a WriteSpeak grad, and Patrice Jenkins, a member of the first WriteSpeak group in 2007 and the first WriteSpeaker to be published, who first taught the Teleworkshop in 2020 with Barbara. Monthly group coaching is included and one-on-one coaching is available. Those who have already completed the required Teleworkshop and want to add the 48-Week Course should write to

For more information, check out or listen to this Telesummit recording: How to Become a Writer and Speaker by Next February. New member registration will open again on September 13, 2025. Come find your message and your audience and begin your writing and speaking career.

Find a Success Team or Become a Sher Success Teams Leader

Isolation is the dream killer. Find your people in a Sher Success Team and learn how to identify and achieve your dreams in Barbara’s 8-Week Workshop for new teams. We always need more Sher Success Teams leaders, so if helping others go after their dreams is your dream, there’s a business in a kit waiting for you, a Leader’s Kit with everything you need to run that same workshop.

Be sure you are on the mailing list to hear about new programs the moment they are available. The mailing list sign-up is under Barbara’s photo at the bottom of this page.

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411 thoughts on “Courses

  1. Patti, I haven’t figured out how to access the hanging out. I get I notice from you that talks about the identity exercise for example but then when I tried to go any further it says that I have to have some passwords or something and I don’t know what ones I need to use

    • I am sending you a password email. Watch for it, as they sometimes find their way to spam or junk folder.

    • Hanging Out starts each week with a short video or audio clip from Barbara to get us thinking. And the WriteSpeak Teleworkshop and the Sher Success Teams 8-Week Workshop include lots of audios recorded by Barbara. However, most of Barbara’s videos are on YouTube, where you can see them for free.

      Our Sher Success Teams by Phone now use videoconferencing unless there’s a member whose rural internet connection won’t allow it.

  2. I would like to join a club and an idea party. Is there an online group or in person group available? I live in Southern California. Thank you!

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