Barbara Sher’s Idea Party


How Does the Online Idea Party Work?

You have a dream or a wish, and an obstacle to getting there. (If you don’t think you know your wish, work through my kick-starter and read this post. To learn why you must put logic aside to find your dream, read the following.)

The online Idea Party is here to help you – and the other fellow party goers – with your wishes and obstacles.

Voices from Success Teams and Idea Parties:

Having a team to report to and hearing what everybody did each week is very exciting. It’s kept me moving all year. In the past I made some good starts on my own, but found, every time, when the energy ran out, I ran out. Now it doesn’t run out.
Jade G.
Children’s Playroom Therapist, New York Hospital

I would do a painting a year, a sketch a year. If it was only me I know I would never do it. Having to tell you makes all the difference. It’s crazy why I didn’t do this years ago, it’s so easy all of a sudden.
Caroline R. Personnel Executive, Macy’s Dept Store

Post Your Wish and Your Obstacle Here!

And help your team mates out when you can. Use the Reply link to help, the form below the comments to add your own Wish and Obstacle.

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4,435 thoughts on “Barbara Sher’s Idea Party

  1. Hi! I was here years ago and found it to be very helpful. So here I am again! I am publishing Kindle books, but I am just getting started and OOPS – my computer is trying to die. I need a new or newish Mac because that’s my software and experience, not Windows. I am living on Social Security and have had several large expenses lately, and my book on Kindle is selling slowly, so no extra cash. Need computer for promotion and further publishing, as well as other online selling. Need ideas how to raise computer buyinng cash while living in an isolated rural area, with ailing computer I can’t do much on.

  2. How to figure out what to do for selling? I belong to a for-profit co-op with different craft class people. I can sew, I can knit some and do some other types of crafts too. I want to make something useful, not just pretty…

    • I think two directions to go in are to find what you love to make combined with what you feel is needed in the world, and locate your target audience for that. Or find a target audience first and tailor what to make to what they need. An easy way might be to take a survey asking what people need and figuring out how to meld that need with your craft skills. A book on my reading list (I think I may have actually got it from one of Barbara’s books) is How to Sell Your Artwork by Milton K. Berlye. That might give you some good pointers.

      What exactly does your for profit co-op do? I’ve been working on a project trying to get laundry free quick drying winter fleece socks accessible to people without homes. It’s still in the planning stages, but I know someone who talked about getting someone making them and selling them to make enough to also donate to those who need them. If it were possible, is that something you or your co-op would want to be involved with?

  3. I am having trouble finishing my book. Is this a common occurrence with people writing their first book? I have plenty of excuses: took a bad fall and sustained a head injury; my house flooded twice; house needed repairs. There always seems to be something in the way of me finishing this damn book. I have another huge project to do next. Perhaps I am afraid to finish the book. Perhaps I am afraid it will be a failure. The next project is a daunting project to say the least. I am afraid to begin it for sure.

    Today is the day my house flooded for the second time. It is not life threatening, just a nuisance and perhaps a health issue due to the damp walls which could start harboring mold. I don’t want to move to another house in town (I am in Phuket Thailand) rather I was planning on moving to Bangkok in about a year anyway to simply my life and meet like minded people. This second flood is prompting me to pull stakes and move to Bangkok sooner. The thing is the rainy season will last less than 2 months more. I was hoping to have a little luck on my side and make it to the dry season without dealing with mopping the floors every 2 hours (day and night) again.
    Any help would be appreciated.

  4. My wish: A business where I can indulge in anything that grabs my interest, share it with others (and not have them think I’m all over the place) and earn money offering whatever I want, when I want: writing, selling physical products. Maybe even workshops, classes, although I have no idea what I would teach.

    Obstacle: I have already put myself out there on Facebook as offering one particular service. I’ve been telling everyone that’s what I do and I’ve already admitted more than once to chopping and changing in the past. I have a website and everything.

    If I change course yet AGAIN they will all think I really can’t be trusted and I’ll never be able to build a business because everyone will watch from a distance and say, “there she goes again. No thanks”.

    • I am actually in the similar boat, dear friend. You are evolving, of course you can’t be the same all the time. It’s a great thing. The people that like you as a person, will continue with you and others will join you. Is your website in your personal name? If so, that’s wonderful. Everyone will know that you’re a person with a multiple amount of ideas and are not afraid to grow into developing them. I have other ideas if you’re interested just contact me. This has been answered prayer. 😀

      • Thank you for your reply Josette.

        One thing I didn’t mention is that the business is new and without clients as of yet. I’m feeling that I want to offer the service not from that website though but in a way I’m not so trapped by the one thing.

        The website isn’t in my name though. I would be interested to hear what your ideas are! 🙂

    • A business where you can indulge in ANYTHING that grabs your interest, share it and earn money offering WHATEVER you want, WHENEVER you want…but you have no idea what that is? WOW!

      Even with your website up, it sounds like you are just searching for “The One” viable business idea. You are just testing offers – which is great! But if you don’t get any response, you simply “pivot” and try another test with something else. No one can dream up business ideas and expect a winner every time – expect most ideas to be failures! Each one adds some skills to your toolkit. Each one gives you more experience, more confidence. You are allowed to change course a dozen times, a hundred times….until you find one idea that is viable..for you. It’s great to try a lot of new things, dabble, experiment, test the waters….in your SEARCH for something that DOES really grab your interest enough…LONG enough…to make it into a viable business. It is an error to overgeneralize to say “they all ” think you can’t be trusted with all these business ideas. Those that don’t know about business will, others won’t care. Don’t waste your time worrying about what “they” think. Keep testing business ideas until you find one that shows good interest from paying customers. No one knows what that is, which is why business is so challenging, the rewards so fulfilling. To learn more about this testing concept, see the book Running Lean by Ash Maurya and watch his youtube videos, blog at His motto, “Life is too short to waste time building a product nobody wants”. Success, DMZ

  5. My wish is to start and use ONLY ONE notebook for tracking ideas….

    My obstacle is that I have attempted this soooo many times… I don’t know what is going to make it possible this time…

      • Why only one? Maybe try changing the title of each notebook so you can filter or edit or sort your ideas better. Maybe writing down too many ideas willy-nilly is actually monkey-braining you. You may jump from one thing to another, like a kid in a candy store who can’t make a decision. This may be stopping you from bringing one critically important idea to life. To find that special one, consider creating a Top-10 list from one category of ideas, a list that includes some action. “10 Things to do this month”. Or try a list that has a constraint “10 business ideas I can start for $100”. I have learned that being creative and having a lot of ideas isn’t very useful. You have an idea. So what? Everyone has ideas all the time. What do have to show for your time and energy from all those tracked ideas? If the answer is only a stack of notebooks filled with ideas, then you may want to consider taking a year long sabbatical to try something else – just go cold turkey and stop saving ideas.

        • I too have several but they are specific. For example I have one for school-taking graphic design so ideas brainstorming notes. Another for work as I am learning and assisting with social media so it has all social media tidbits that I’m learning. Another for gardening, art, journaling makes finding things easier

    • I use evernote to dump anything in my brain and that I want to use later. I retrieve it by using tags. I just have it open in my computer so when I’m working on something and I get an idea about something else, I just drop it quickly and move on.
      I love the feel of the pen and paper, so you can also take notes on paper, take pictures with your phone and put them on evernote.
      I don’t put online bookmarks into evernote anymore, for that I use pocket. So, for me, evernote is solely for notes, and they can be audio notes too, etc.

      I hope this helps.

  6. Wish: I want to become successful with at least one of my ideas and businesses. Financially and personally.

    Obstacle: I have no plan how to get there, I just work me through the day. I´m not organized at all, no lists I can work me through, because I don´t know how to make and follow them efficiently.

    I just red your book. I´m a scanner, I haven´t found out jet which one.
    Maybe an universalist (Chapter 16)
    Maybe a tryer/tester (Chapter 18)
    Maybe a double agent (Chapter 10)
    Maybe a mix.
    Sorry if my english is not as good. I´m german.

    I would be happy to here from you.
    Marion Mahadevi Owen

    • Hi Marion. I suggest you choose one of your ideas to practice with, and decide on a goal connected with it. Then you can use Barbara Sher’s Backwards Flow Chart method to work out the steps to take.

      You can find it described in Chapter 6 of Wishcraft, which is available free to download here or you can buy the German version from

      Actually, if you read the whole book it will probably be very helpful to you.

  7. Wish: To be married to an amazingly sexy, wealthy (A few hundred million) , atheist, health conscious man.

    Obstacle: Have no idea how how to find him. Gained 15 lbs, feel awful about it. Broke and depressed.

    About me: I was a technical support engineer, manager in Silicon Valley 15 years and also a recording artist (still do music) for 10 years. I never met a man I wanted to marry my entire life. I’m now 47 (Seriously look no older than 35.) Always wanted a family – now not sure about the kids part because of my age – but REALLY want the husband part. I don’t want to work for a while, I actually can’t work right now – if ever again of course that could change, it has before.)

    I live in NYC. I’m a student of NVC – Non-Violent Communication.

    I have no problem making any other kind of dream I have come true I’m good at it. Except this one.

      • Hi BB. I see no-one has answered you yet. I’m glad you at least made yourself laugh. It often does us good to have a bit of a ranting and moaning session. You’re probably right about it being too late to have your own babies, but I think there’s plenty of potential to get yourself some step-children or foster children, if you really want kids in your life.

        In those criteria you listed for your ideal man, which ones are essential and which would be icing on the cake? Were you serious about all of them, or were some tongue-in-cheek? You could pick the most important one or two criteria, then work out the kinds of places and situations you could go to mix with men like that, and start going to those places.

        Let’s take “atheist” for an example, since it’s probably important to find a partner with a similar world view to you. When I did a quick google of terms like atheist, humanist, skeptic, together with New York, I found these organisations that have meetings where you could get to know atheist men.

        New York City Atheists

        Secular Humanist Society of New York

        Humanist Society of Metropolitan New York

        Central New York Humanist Association

        New York City Skeptics

        There is also the United Universalist Church which accepts people of all beliefs, including atheists, so you might find your man there, along with a supportive community.

        I should think that any lectures or meetings connected with science would be likely to attract a high proportion of atheists, also university science departments and science museums. And I get the impression that during the election campaign you’d be more likely to find atheist men involved with the democrats than the republicans.

        If other criteria like wealth or physical fitness are more important, you can do similar research to find out where wealthy or fit men would be likely to spend their time when in New York.

    • Hi BB,

      I would like to suggest a quote from a book called “the ethical slut”:

      “…even people who are gorgeous or rich or busty or whatever don’t usually like to feel that their beauty, their wallet, or their breasts are their most attractive quality. Those who partner successfully with them often consider such qualities a happy bonus that has little or nothing to do with why they chose that person in the first place.”

      I think that right way is to start meeting a lot of people. Just enjoy hanging out with them without any specific agenda.

      Once you’ve internalized what you want, and also applied above mindset, I think you will find it easier to meet the right kind of people.

      Good luck and have fun! 🙂

  8. Good day!

    I’d like to move to NZ with my family. All what I need it’s getting a JOB OFFER of accountant (or any related job) and dentist (or any related job), that give me poits for resedent visa.

    Thank you.

  9. My goal/dream is to be a writer and artist. I just ended an eight year career and am in the process of transitioning. I am also in the process of beginning a blog. I would love to have a group to check in with and be accountable.

    My obstacle is my own lack of confidence, discipline and routine. I end up fitting in whatever I can whenever I can. Part of this is raising a family and taking care of a home.

    I appreciate the opportunity to be a part of this kind of community.


    • Hi Heather –

      What kind of art? Are you creating? Can you start an artists group near you or take some classes? I did all of these when I was starting out as a songwriter and achieved all my goals I had set.

      Once you start building some moment, a little at a time, if you really want this your heart will soar.

      I’d happy to support you.

    • Dear Heather,
      Go to the other part of Barbara’s website and see if there’s a Success Team in your area. It will help to provide the discipline and structure that you need. And if there isn’t, then see about starting an Idea Party. Pick a good location, either your or someone else’s living room. 4-6 people gather with potluck dinner food. The food is spread, and when people are comfortably seated with their food, the brainstorming begins. It goes for an hour and a half. You divide the time equally between participants, and use an egg timer so that no one filibusters. One dream and one obstacle per participant. Then everybody breaks for coffee and dessert, and informal networking takes place. This is the most important part of the meeting. Then, everyone goes home, and you begin to watch your life change. Then you have another Idea Party in a month. But I think Success Teams are better. You can really keep on track, because your teammates will keep you on track, and a Team meets weekly.

  10. Hello everybody,
    I’m Rudy 30 and I’ve been reading and admiring Barbara’s work for a few years. I’ll try to summarize my “background, wish and obstacle”.

    After studying psychology I’ve done everything: salesman, marketing specialist, webdesigner, personal trainer, waiter, etc. At 26 I’ve discovered that I longed for mastery of a skill and I’ve always loved the art and storytelling world of filming and videogames. I decided I would work hard and train myself in art and digital skills to become a 3D artist working in the industry. This happened two years ago, at 28, with a wife and a full-time low salary, draining job, after relocating to London. I keep a “low salary” job because I’m afraid a higher responsibility would distract me from my 3d training.

    Right now I have a small portfolio of 3d work ( which, following professional’s opinions, is “very strong on the artistic and representational side but needs more technical direction”. It doesn’t surprise me since I love creation and art but I get stuck when you have to dive in detail and technical work.
    My wish is gaining entry, even through a junior or apprenticeship position, into the 3d industry in order to have a fulltime job in an area I thrive in (I worked for 1 week in the industry and loved it, I could sleep in the office).

    There are a few:
    1 – time/will: I work 35 hours a week and to complete my portfolio at a decent speed I would need to fully immerse myself in 3d art at least 5 hours a day, everyday. It’s so difficult to find the strength and time after a day of draining work and the stressful London life (I’m from Italy)

    2 – technical training/schools: I feel I need structure and mentorship since learning by yourself in this area is doable but tremendously “improvised”. Different pipelines and procedures coming out every day are learnt mostly on the field. There are two famous courses which, after completion, are quite famous for putting you straight into an entry level position. Very good and technical courses. The problem is that I can’t afford them with my current salary. Another course is financed by the UK but only after 3 years of residence ( I got 2).

    3 – secret wish: the truth is that becoming a 3d modeller is a sort of a negotiation. My ultimate wish would be to have more artistic freedome and maybe working in the concept area or animation, where storytelling is a main component. I thought that 3d modelling would be my way in, even if for other people that’s their ultimate aspiration.

    4 – Urgency – I’m 30 and I start hearing a ticking clock which I couldn’t hear before.

    here it is: am I too much of a mess? 🙂

    • Rudy, we have somewhat similar backgrounds and interests.

      I’ve been hearing that ticking since I was 33. As I result I never took action because “Its too late, I don’t have enough time.” I want to save the world from too many things, and so that’s sort of a big job. 😉

      I’ll be 50 this year and am still trying to silence those voices. If you’re too much of a mess I hate to think what that would make me! 😉

      My experience has been that much of my procrastination (seeming) lack of focus, energy & motivation has been a direct result of me attempting to to achieve the wrong thing – for me that’s financial security and ultimately financial freedom.

      Right now I’m in a position to make significant income which would ultimately finance my desire to do the things I really want to do.

      Why is it then that I have to force myself to do the well paying work and achieve that financial freedom that will enable me to do the make my soul sing things?

      Here’s why – I have two speeds: OCD and comatose. So, the effort required to do the things I don’t really want to be doing drains me of all time, energy and desire to do the things I actually enjoy. When I regain my energy the last thing I want to do is the same thing that sets off my ON/OFF cycle. Instead I wanna do the fun, make my heart and soul happy, save the world stuff. But alas, the clock is ticking down and I don’t have enough time – which is why I ended up here today. 🙂

      So all I can really say to you is that you’re not alone. I am wondering though if collaboration with someone who has the “technical skills” might be an option somehow?

      • Rudy –

        Is waiting a year really that difficult? I waited a year and taught myself UNIX then got a job doing network support a year later (it way dream at the time – I’m kind of a geek). I eventually worked my way up to working in Silicon Valley for many years.

        I was about your age, too 🙂

    • Great post! I agree with you on this Instead of focusing on phcysial barriers and obstacles, focus on how much you want something and let your mind be the driving force and you can use that to overcome anything. It all depends on how bad you want something. Also, it would make a great tattoo!

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