Barbara Sher’s Dare to Soar Telesummit
Celebrating Our Speakers’ Life-Changing Books and More
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Books and More by Our Speakers

151 Gentle Nudges to Help Revive Your Life‘s Dreams

151 Gentle Nudges to Help Revive Your Life's Dreams cover
Do your life’s dreams never seem to come true? Maybe you never started those dreams, maybe you gave up on them. Did you decide that they weren’t important? Is it possible you don’t recognize your dreams or believe in them? Have you forgotten them?

Your dreams are waiting!

They are always right here. You can dust them off, nourish them with understanding and love, and you can revive them. It only takes a Gentle Nudge.

Welcome to a collection of encouraging lessons. These questions, reminders, ideas, and answers will bring your dreams into the open. Then you can start living those dreams today.

Cathryn ZelenyAuthor: Cathryn Zeleny, author of 151 Gentle Nudges and Thinking with a Bigger Box, creativity coach, motivational speaker, AvisionaryZ workshop instructor, artist, and eclectic lifestyle enthusiast

S. Cathryn Zeleny is an acclaimed speaker and workshop facilitator, an author and award-winning artist. For 35 years, she has provided creative development guidance for artists and has conducted seminars on communication and self-fulfillment for organizations, schools, and community forums. She holds an interdisciplinary BA in Art and an MA in Psychology specializing in life design and alternative methods for teaching adults. Her current focus is manuscript evaluation and coaching authors in the conceptual development of their work.

Cathryn advocates purposeful choice and creative problem-solving for everyone who is on the path to their dreams. Her holistic approach to personal growth is illustrated by using analogies from the art world and from the experiences of her eclectic lifestyle.

Cathryn Zeleny is the author of two books: 151 Gentle Nudges to help Revive Your Life’s Dreams and Thinking With A Bigger Box: A Personal Growth Workshop.

For information and free materials, visit her website:
You may also contact her via email:

Don’t miss Cathryn’s mini-workshop, Jumpstart Your Creative Art Project!

Get your copy of 151 Gentle Nudges to Help Revive Your Life’s Dreams on Amazon

A Guide to Take the Weirdness Out of Retirement

Title cover
I've never heard anyone say, “Working is weird.” So if working isn't weird, then how can we take the best of work and create the best of retirement? This 2 1/2 hour course, with on-demand video and interactive exercises, explores how to create a sense of direction and purpose when you're no longer defined by your work title. You'll learn how to create the best of retirement by embracing meaningful roles, being involved in work that is greater than yourself, and recreating conditions that contributed to your happiness at work.

Patrice JenkinsAuthor: Patrice Jenkins, Ph.D. is an organizational psychologist, author, and Founder of Day One Dreams

Patrice Jenkins, Ph.D. is an organizational psychologist, consultant, speaker and host of Day One Dreams Podcast. She is the author of two books, it’s still good: Dreams Don’t Have Expiration Dates and What Will I Do All Day? Wisdom to get you Over Retirement and on with Living! Her online course, A Guide to Take the Weirdness Out of Retirement is available at

Day One Dreams Podcast


Don’t miss Patrice’s mini-workshops, Tap into the Power of Project Work and How to Be a Life-Changing Author and Speaker by Next February.

Find A Guide to Take the Weirdness Out of Retirement, a self-study course, on Udemy

A Journey to an Organized You: A Step-by-Step Guide to Your Organized Home (3 Book Set)

A Journey to an Organized You cover
A Journey To An Organized You – A Step-By-Step Guidebook to Your Organized Home – Room by Room you will be able to create your organized home. Each guidebook is specific to a room. There is plenty of space to work on each area of your home. There are helpful tidbits in each guidebook to assist you along your journey.

  • You will look at the current function and design of your room
  • You will be able to think about the future function and design of your room
  • There are tidbits on cleaning and investigative organizing
  • Planning states and next steps and so much more

Kandy M. SartoriAuthor: Kandy M. Sartori, CPO®, Organizing Consultant and Life Coach, “An Organized Life Is A HAPPY LIFE!”®

Kandy M. Sartori is a Certified Professional Organizer, serial entrepreneur, author, coach, and Creative Guide. She has over 20+ years working in Fortune 500 companies in positions ranging from Administrative Assistant, Fire/Theft Team Leader, Tax Branch Manager, Financial Advisor to Bookkeeper. She started her first business in 2009 as an organizing and cleaning business. Over the years, she has developed systems that really help her clients stay organized and streamlined. She works with her clients to feel into their well being. She takes a holistic approach and understands the flow of energy in our lives. Everything and everyone is connected, on every level.

She holds a BA in Business Administration and several certificates in a variety of areas, as a true scanner would. She is currently working on her master’s degree in Organizational Development. Kandy also worked as part of an organizing crew on A&E’s popular TV series, HOARDERS. She has also trekked to Mt. Everest’s Base Camp, ran the Athens Marathon, took up strength training, and is competing in her first USA Powerlifting Master’s World Cup in May.

Kandy’s motto is, “An Organized Life is a Happy Life™”.

Don’t miss Kandy’s mini-workshop, Organizing Tidbits.

Get your copies of A Journey to an Organized You: A Step-by-Step Guide to Your Organized Home (Primary Bedroom, Primary Closet and/or Primary Bathroom) on Amazon

Agreed: A Journal to Bring Joy to Any Marriage with Too Many Disagreements

Agreed book cover
Perfect as a wedding or first anniversary gift—or as a treat for yourself whenever disagreements come between you and your spouse.

Agreed includes a one-year journal for discovering how much you two agree on. You also receive helpful worksheets and easy-to-follow instructions for finding your way to satisfying agreements without bullying, going along to get along, or compromising.

“In a compromise, no one gets what they want: you agree to a bit of pain or disappointment in exchange for visiting the same amount of pain or disappointment on your mate. Not so good for your marriage or your mental health.”

It’s a journal of your journey from what might feel like an incompatible relationship to an end to fighting with your husband or wife. Couples making decisions together can use the included worksheets to get to a satisfying agreement painlessly.

Patty NewboldAuthor: Patty Newbold, WriteSpeak Coach and author of the award-winning Assume Love blog

Patty Newbold has been a performance improvement consultant to managers of Fortune 100 companies, universities and government agencies since 1974. She’s been involved with research on urban innovation for the National Science Foundation and positive psychology for the University of Pennsylvania’s Positive Psychology Center. Her Assume Love blog helps thousands of people enjoy being married. She has published two journals to help marriages, Agreed and Loved. Patty also directs Sher Success Teams, runs Barbara’s Club and Genius Press, and helps members of WriteSpeak master Barbara’s techniques and get friendly with the technology of writing, publishing, teleworkshops and online marketing.


Don’t miss Patty Newbold’s mini-workshop, How to Be a Life-Changing Author and Speaker by Next February.

Get your copy of Agreed: A Journal to Bring Joy to Any Marriage with Too Many Disagreements on Amazon

ChangeMaker PocketGuide: Passion, Energy, Values and Vision

ChangeMaker PocketGuide book cover
This is a guide for those who want to build freeways where others see brick walls.

The ChangeMaker PocketGuide is a guidebook for Visionaries, Leaders and Dreamers. It contains proven methods that help develop collaborative environments and foster productive, caring communities that build powerful legacies.

Identify what’s really important to you.
Discover and cultivate your inner motivation.
Stay true to your values in all environments and situations.
Dream your ideal future and see a broader range of possibilities.
Live with purpose and passion without burning out.

Are you ready to live by your true values? Is now the time to set and implement your vision for the future? Then this book is for YOU!

Author: Michelle (Shelley) Wood, Founder of Divine Potentiality, a co-creative community and online gathering place designed for individuals seeking to embrace their authentic selves, explore their purpose, and tap into their divine potential. The community fosters a nurturing environment where individuals can embark on transformative journeys, cultivating self-discovery and purposeful expression.

Michelle Wood is a WriteSpeak graduate and the author of ChangeMaker Pocket Guide. As the founder of Divine Potentiality, she passionately advocates for personal growth and empowerment, guiding individuals on transformative journeys. With a deep commitment to unlocking innate potential, Michelle fosters a nurturing space for like-hearted individuals to explore self-discovery, authenticity, and purposeful living. Her warm wisdom and insightful guidance inspire others to embrace joy, connection, and the realization of their dreams.

Michelle can be reached at

You can also visit the Divine Potentiality website at Sign up for eNews on the homepage to hear about upcoming programs and get a free ticket to any upcoming event.

See Divine Potentiality’s upcoming events at

Learn about the Divine Potentiality community at and claim your free one-month trial here.


Get your copy of ChangeMaker PocketGuide: Passion, Energy, Values and Vision

Gentle and Kind: A Nurture and Stretch Self-Care Journal

Gentle and Kind book cover
All serious daring starts from within. – Harriet Beecher Stowe

Self-care is about your relationship with yourself. Your self-care practice includes cultivating respect, understanding, acceptance, and appreciation of an amazing person – you.

Practicing self-care and self-love is essential. When you practice self-love, you grow to accept and appreciate yourself. You begin to accept your emotions for what they are; you’re able to start to make your physical, emotional and mental well-being a priority. It’s the old, “secure your own oxygen mask first,” lesson. We need to practice self-care and self-love so that we don’t drain our emotional fuel tank and have nothing left for anyone—including ourselves.

Using a journal is one of many ways to take care of yourself. Writing or drawing in a journal allows you to look back on older entries and gain perspective, it helps you to connect to your inner self, listen to your inner voice and sometimes talk back to it. Think of this book as a gentle invitation to be kind to yourself. This book includes sections on defining self-care and self-love and reminders of ways you can add some of these practices to your daily life.

This journal is a place to feel supported, in particular, a place to notice how you are supporting yourself. It is a place to feel vulnerable, content, grateful, joyful, happy, confident, brave, grounded, connected, energized, excited, encouraged, loved.

Suzi LarkinAuthor: Suzi Larkin, M.A. Award-winning speaker, Self-Expression Coach, author, singer, director, playwright, homeschool educator, theatre nerd, self-care encourager

Suzi Larkin, M.A., is passionate about helping people to express themselves. She also cares deeply about helping people find the peace and confidence that a practice of self-care helps to create. A firm believer in stretching yourself and nurturing your strengths, Suzi coached the Penn State Speech Team students to achieve their goals while also teaching Public Speaking and Oral Interpretation of Literature.

An award-winning speaker, Suzi speaks and conducts workshops on Self-Expression, Self-Care, Readers Theatre, and Presentation Skills. She writes and directs plays and acts in shows with the local community theatre which she helped to start in 2008. An inclusive view of education led Suzi to homeschool her two daughters and she encouraged their participation in theatre, singing, and speaking as they grew. Suzi studied Psychology and Speech Communication at the University of Minnesota and earned her Master’s degree in Speech Communication from Penn State. Between her workshops and her work in community theatre, she continues to provide opportunities for anyone wishing to explore self-discovery and self-expression onstage or off.


Don’t miss Suzi’s mini-workshop, Don’t Blame the Lettuce: Cultivating Good Communication and Great Relationships.

Get your copy of Gentle and Kind: A Nurture and Stretch Self-Care Journal on Amazon

Hochsensibilität und seelische Gesundheit – Praxisbuch: Mehr Ruhe, Gelassenheit und Achtsamkeit im Alltag mit hochwirksamen Tipps aus der Psychotherapie (High Sensitivity and Mental Health, A Practical Guide)

Hochsensibilität und seelische Gesundheit cover
How to use your high sensitivity as an advantage and gain true calmness without developing a thicker skin.

Do everyday situations that seem normal to others stress you out?
Does the noise on public transportation and in shopping centers bother you?
In relationships, do you become more aware of other people’s moods, to the point where it sometimes overwhelms you?
Is your own susceptibility to stress getting on your nerves because it pushes you to the limit of exhaustion?

This is what happens to many highly sensitive people!

This unique, therapeutically sound guide shows you how you, as a sensitive person, can deal with everyday stress and develop inner peace, calmness and mindfulness. You get exactly the information you need in a compact form to leave the constant stress behind you and build up your harmonious living conditions.

[Wie du deine Hochsensibilität als Vorteil genießt und wahre Gelassenheit gewinnst, ohne dir ein dickeres Fell zuzulegen.

Stressen dich alltägliche Situationen, die anderen normal erscheinen?
Macht dich die Geräuschkulisse in öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln und im Einkaufszentrum fertig?
Nimmst du in Beziehungen die Stimmungen anderer intensiver wahr, sodass es dich manchmal überwältigt?
Geht dir deine eigene Stressanfälligkeit auf die Nerven, weil sie dich an die Erschöpfungsgrenze bringt?

So geht es vielen hochsensiblen Menschen!

Dieser einzigartige, therapeutisch fundierte Ratgeber zeigt dir, wie du als feinfühlige Person mit dem Alltagsstress umgehen kannst und innere Ruhe, Gelassenheit und Achtsamkeit entwickelst. Du bekommst in kompakter Form genau die Information, die du benötigst, um den Dauerstress mehr und mehr hinter dir zu lassen und deine stimmigen Lebensbedingungen aufzubauen.]

Johanna PhilippiAuthors: Birgit Heining and Johanna Philippi, WriteSpeak grad and a passionate advocate
for the highly sensitive and creative [Hochsensible Scannerin, Barbara Sher Fan und WriteSpeak-Absolventin]

As a dedicated scanner, a Barbara Sher enthusiast, and a WriteSpeak alumna, Johanna has always been deeply attuned to the struggles of others. This profound empathy has fueled her lifelong quest for solutions to alleviate suffering and her keen interest in self-management. Johanna’s eclectic curiosity, studies in linguistics and psychology, and 25 years of experience in counselling, combined with her personal experiences as a highly sensitive individual, uniquely positions her to inspire and empower fellow sensitive spirits.

[Schon als Kind fühlte ich tief mit den Nöten anderer mit. Diese Empathie trieb mich an, ständig nach Lösungen gegen das Leid zu suchen und machte Selbstmanagement zu einem meiner Hauptinteressen. Meine vielseitige Neugier führte mich zum Studium von Sprachwissenschaft, Psychologie und Pädagogik sowie zu verschiedenen Weiterbildungen. Ich arbeite angestellt in der Beratung.]

[Als Hochsensible kenne ich die Herausforderungen von Erschöpfung und Reizüberflutung aus erster Hand und wünsche mir, dass alle Hochsensiblen ihre Talente entfalten und ein erfülltes Leben führen können.]

Don’t miss Johanna’s mini-workshops, Verstehe deine Sensibilität und sorge für dein seelisches
Wohlbefinden (in German / auf Deutsch)
and Embracing Your High Sensitivity: A Journey to Mental Wellness.

Get your copy of Hochsensibilität und seelische Gesundheit on Amazon

I Like This Heart Space: Quotations & Reflections to Inspire Your Best Self

I Like This Heart Space cover
Opening your mind and heart to great quotations and reflections on them can inspire you to become your best self.

This book is a place where I know you’ll find inspiration and encouragement that comes from the heart.

Suzi LarkinAuthor: Suzi Larkin, M.A. Award-winning speaker, Self-Expression Coach, author, singer, director, playwright, homeschool educator, theatre nerd, self-care encourager

Suzi Larkin, M.A., is passionate about helping people to express themselves. She also cares deeply about helping people find the peace and confidence that a practice of self-care helps to create. A firm believer in stretching yourself and nurturing your strengths, Suzi coached the Penn State Speech Team students to achieve their goals while also teaching Public Speaking and Oral Interpretation of Literature.

An award-winning speaker, Suzi speaks and conducts workshops on Self-Expression, Self-Care, Readers Theatre, and Presentation Skills. She writes and directs plays and acts in shows with the local community theatre which she helped to start in 2008. An inclusive view of education led Suzi to homeschool her two daughters and she encouraged their participation in theatre, singing, and speaking as they grew. Suzi studied Psychology and Speech Communication at the University of Minnesota and earned her Master’s degree in Speech Communication from Penn State. Between her workshops and her work in community theatre, she continues to provide opportunities for anyone wishing to explore self-discovery and self-expression onstage or off.


Don’t miss Suzi’s mini-workshop, Don’t Blame the Lettuce: Cultivating Good Communication and Great Relationships.

Get your copy of I Like This Heart Space: Quotations & Reflections to Inspire Your Best Self on Amazon

it’s still good: Dreams Don’t Have Expiration Dates

it's still good book cover
Do you have a dream that has been hanging around for a long time? Maybe you’ve tried to dismiss it, convince yourself it’s not important, probably won’t work, and instead tried to be content. How’s that working for you?

A dream that’s still good doesn’t give up easily. That’s how dreams work. They might grow silent with time, but they can’t be silenced. They resurface as future regrets and lost opportunities. Don’t let this happen to you!

it’s still good…Dreams Don’t Have Expiration Dates is a little book with a big goal—to rescue you from the regret of a dream you didn’t go after. With inspiring stories and research-based strategies, author Patrice Jenkins offers advice that will move you to action. Once you start, your dream begins to exist!

Patrice JenkinsAuthor: Patrice Jenkins, Ph.D. is an organizational psychologist, author, and Founder of Day One Dreams

Patrice Jenkins, Ph.D., is an organizational psychologist, consultant, speaker and host of Day One Dreams Podcast. She is the author of two books, it’s still good: Dreams Don’t Have Expiration Dates and What Will I Do All Day? Wisdom to get you Over Retirement and on with Living! Her online course, A Guide to Take the Weirdness Out of Retirement is available at

Day One Dreams Podcast


Don’t miss Patrice’s mini-workshops, Tap into the Power of Project Work and How to Be a Life-Changing Author and Speaker by Next February.

Get your copy of it’s still good: Dreams Don’t Have Expiration Dates on Amazon

Loved: A Journal to Bring Joy to Any Marriage with Dashed Expectations and Unmet Needs

Loved book cover
Loved includes helpful worksheets and easy-to-follow instructions for getting your needs met without nagging or snarling, so you feel more open to love. It includes tips for recognizing love in its many forms and a one-year journal for paying attention to the increasing love you are receiving from the wonderful but human person you married.

Use this book to track your journey from what might feel like an unbalanced, unfair relationship to one of feeling fully loved.

Perfect as a wedding or first anniversary gift–or as a treat for yourself whenever you are feeling disappointed by your marriage or weighed down with too much responsibility.

Patty NewboldAuthor: Patty Newbold, WriteSpeak Coach and author of the award-winning Assume Love blog

Patty Newbold has been a performance improvement consultant to managers of Fortune 100 companies, universities and government agencies since 1974. She’s been involved with research on urban innovation for the National Science Foundation and positive psychology for the University of Pennsylvania’s Positive Psychology Center. Her Assume Love blog helps thousands of people enjoy being married. This year, she published two journals to help marriages, Agreed and Loved. Patty also directs Sher Success Teams, runs Barbara’s Club and Genius Press, and helps members of WriteSpeak master Barbara’s techniques and get friendly with the technology of writing, publishing, teleworkshops and online marketing.


Don’t miss Patty Newbold’s mini-workshops, How to Be a Life-Changing Author and Speaker by Next February and Traditional or Self-Publishing for Your Book?.

Get your copy of Loved: A Journal to Bring Joy to Any Marriage with Dashed Expectations and Unmet Needs on Amazon

New Choice Game (coming soon)

New Choice Game
The New Choice Game will be launched this year. It’s a board game. It’s a fun mix of travel and improv. New Choice can even be played by teams. Laughter is a given, and it will get you extra points.

Karen LyuAuthor: Karen Lyu, Holistic Voice Coach + Keynote Concert Speaker + Game Designer

Karen Lyu (she/her) is a bisexual Korean-American Holistic Voice Coach + Keynote Concert Speaker + Game Designer who has taught over 1,000 students from 12 countries to transform their voices, since 1997. Her nickname is “Karey Poppins” (magic like Mary Poppins)! She happens to be an YouTube voice expert and expert author who has earned IMIA, CCHI, TNAOC, TESOL, and New Science of Singing certifications. Due to her love of jazz, Karen earned a BSS in Jazz Studies, Vocal Performance from Cornell College, under the guidance of 15 voice coaches, including the late Roberta Davis from Berklee School of Music. A creative explorer at heart, Karen has donned many hats, including—co-chair of VASTA’s BizCore Committee, member of NATS, Facilitator of the Female Musician Academy Songwriters Group, Executive Director of West Bank School of Music, Steppingstone Theatre Teaching Artist, ESL teacher, and Hmong Idol USA judge.

In addition to one-on-one lessons, Karen’s experience includes offering dynamic group trainings for public schools, day camps, corporations, churches, festivals, Girl Scouts, and on Zoom. Karen’s multiple honors include a $10,000+ arts patron sponsorship, a Minnesota State Arts Board grant, a MusiCares grant, and a Samsung sponsorship. As a professional vocalist, Karen has sung in over a dozen languages with 13 bands, since 1993. Beyond the accolades, Karen is a mental health advocate, navigating ADHD and mental illness, which has helped her evolve into a more compassionate and innovative voice coach. Karen is a digital nomad who has lived in South Korea>CA>TX>MN>IA>MN>TN>South Korea>Chicago, IL> and now lives near Chattanooga, TN. Karen enjoys board games, food, travel, nature, comedy improv, books, movies, art, yoga, dancing, animals, and history. She is the author of Singing in Tune: Solutions for 25 Pitch Problems and her upcoming board game is called New Choice: Improv Your Life.

Laugh Around the World: Your Move ~ Comedy Improv Style!

New Choice: The improv board game that gets you to speak, sing, act, rhyme, listen, and laugh!

  • Ages: 8 to adult
  • Players: 2 to 30 total
  • Game Time: 20 – 45 minutes
  • Official Gaming Guest for Chattacon 50, 2025
  • Designed by Karen Lyu aka “Karey Poppins”, Holistic Voice Coach


Don’t miss Karen’s mini-workshop, The Origin Story of The New Choice Game.

Learn about the New Choice Game before it is released or see it played now

Singing in Tune: Solutions for 25 Pitch Problems

Singing in Tune book cover
Has anybody ever tried to insult you by saying things like “Go back to singing in the shower,” “You’re more tone-deaf than a bump on a log,” or “I should pay you not to sing”?

Wouldn’t you rather hear sincere compliments like: “You sound good,” “Beautiful singing,” or “Holy cow, you knocked my socks off” — and know that you earned them through hard work and persistence?

Did you know that Ed Sheeran, Taylor Swift, Janet Jackson, and Mariah Carey have all had to overcome issues with their pitch — and have gone on to have HUGE success as Grammy-award-winning artists with multiple hit songs?

People who write you and your singing off as being hopeless are just ignorant and stuck in the old days. They must have no idea that there are now new ways to improve your pitch.

Singing in Tune: Solutions for 25 Pitch Problems, condenses 35 years of vocal pedagogy research, 31 years of experience as a vocalist, and 27 years of experience as a Holistic Voice Coach into 110 solutions for 25 pitch problems, with 30 inspiring quotes and 50 helpful online resources.

Karen LyuAuthor: Karen Lyu, Holistic Voice Coach + Keynote Concert Speaker + Game Designer

Karen Lyu (she/her) is a bisexual Korean-American Holistic Voice Coach + Keynote Concert Speaker + Game Designer who has taught over 1,000 students from 12 countries to transform their voices, since 1997. Her nickname is “Karey Poppins” (magic like Mary Poppins)! She happens to be an YouTube voice expert and expert author who has earned IMIA, CCHI, TNAOC, TESOL, and New Science of Singing certifications. Due to her love of jazz, Karen earned a BSS in Jazz Studies, Vocal Performance from Cornell College, under the guidance of 15 voice coaches, including the late Roberta Davis from Berklee School of Music. A creative explorer at heart, Karen has donned many hats, including—co-chair of VASTA’s BizCore Committee, member of NATS, Facilitator of the Female Musician Academy Songwriters Group, Executive Director of West Bank School of Music, Steppingstone Theatre Teaching Artist, ESL teacher, and Hmong Idol USA judge.

In addition to one-on-one lessons, Karen’s experience includes offering dynamic group trainings for public schools, day camps, corporations, churches, festivals, Girl Scouts, and on Zoom. Karen’s multiple honors include a $10,000+ arts patron sponsorship, a Minnesota State Arts Board grant, a MusiCares grant, and a Samsung sponsorship. As a professional vocalist, Karen has sung in over a dozen languages with 13 bands, since 1993. Beyond the accolades, Karen is a mental health advocate, navigating ADHD and mental illness, which has helped her evolve into a more compassionate and innovative voice coach. Karen is a digital nomad who has lived in South Korea>CA>TX>MN>IA>MN>TN>South Korea>Chicago, IL> and now lives near Chattanooga, TN. Karen enjoys board games, food, travel, nature, comedy improv, books, movies, art, yoga, dancing, animals, and history. She is the author of Singing in Tune: Solutions for 25 Pitch Problems and her upcoming board game is called New Choice: Improv Your Life.


Don’t miss Karen’s mini-workshop, The Origin Story of The New Choice Game.

Get your copy of Singing in Tune: Solutions for 25 Pitch Problems on Amazon

Thinking with a Bigger Box: A Personal Growth Workshop

Thinking with a Bigger Box book cover
Is thinking inside your box currently limiting you?
Do you find it difficult to think outside the box?

The solution is thinking with a bigger box!
And you can do that by developing two simple skills:
Know More and Know Differently

This workshop-style book provides 35 in-depth exercises and effective strategies that encourage you to:

  • Design the life of your dreams
  • Choose creative thinking
  • Reawaken your imagination skills
  • Seek new experiences
  • Rewire your thought patterns
  • Harness the power of the big picture and small details
  • Expand your awareness, and your world
  • Use leaps of logic to find solutions
  • Discover your true self
  • Generate ideas for everyday problems
  • Guide your personal growth

Cathryn ZelenyAuthor: S. Cathryn Zeleny, author, motivational speaker, AVisionaryZ workshop instructor, creativity coach, artist, eclectic lifestyle enthusiast

S. Cathryn Zeleny is an acclaimed speaker and workshop facilitator, an author and award-winning artist. For 35 years, she has provided creative development guidance for artists and quilters, and also conducted seminars on communication and self-fulfillment for organizations, schools, and community forums. She holds an interdisciplinary BA in Art and an MA in Psychology specializing in life design and alternative methods for career planning.

Cathryn advocates purposeful choice and creative problem-solving for everyone who is on the path to their dreams. Her holistic approach to personal growth is illustrated by using analogies from the art world and from the experiences of her eclectic lifestyle.

Cathryn Zeleny is the author of two books: 151 Gentle Nudges to help Revive Your Life’s Dreams and Thinking With A Bigger Box: A Personal Growth Workshop.

For workshop information, visit her website:
You may also contact her via email:

Don’t miss Cathryn’s mini-workshop, Jumpstart Your Creative Art Project!

Get your copy of Thinking with a Bigger Box: A Personal Growth Workshop on Amazon

What Will I Do All Day?: Wisdom to Get You Over Retirement and On With Living!

What Will I Do All Day? cover
Patrice Jenkins wrote this book to rescue people who are trapped in their careers. These individuals have prepared financially for retirement but they stay in jobs/careers because they don’t know what they would do if they weren’t working. After conducting interviews and coaching individuals through the retirement transition process, she learned their resistance boils down to one looming question, What will I do all day? This question isn’t about keeping busy. There are always enough things to do, but who wants to wake up to a to-do list for the next 20-30 years? At the core of “What will I do all day?” is a deeper emotional question. What will I do all day that will be meaningful, provide direction for my life, keep me engaged in society, and still be fun and rewarding? That’s a much harder question to answer than how will I keep busy? To get over retirement and on with living, you need to understand the deeper issues of retirement. The issues a simple financial strategy or get-away vacation won’t solve. What is rarely discussed is how you feel about retirement. In her book, Jenkins helps you identify these core feelings and address your unspoken fears if retirement feels like a long road to the end. You’ll get to know what really matters to you, the things you want to build into your retirement plan. You’ll learn from other people’s experience with retirement what you need to do now to start preparing. There is life after work, in fact this life probably includes work, but you’ll need to get over retirement to start living and enjoying this next stage of life. This book will help you do that!

Patrice JenkinsAuthor: Patrice Jenkins, Ph.D. is an organizational psychologist, author, and Founder of Day One Dreams

Patrice Jenkins, Ph.D. is an organizational psychologist, consultant, speaker and host of Day One Dreams Podcast. She is the author of two books, it’s still good: Dreams Don’t Have Expiration Dates and What Will I Do All Day? Wisdom to get you Over Retirement and on with Living! Her online course, A Guide to Take the Weirdness Out of Retirement is available at

Day One Dreams Podcast


Don’t miss Patrice’s mini-workshops, Tap into the Power of Project Work and How to Be a Life-Changing Author and Speaker by Next February.

Get your copy of What Will I Do All Day? on Amazon