Hanging Out

Hanging Out Registration Re-Opens in April 2025

Hanging Out will be the jewel in the crown of Barbara’s Club. To be honest, I think it’s going to be the jewel in the crown of my lifetime’s work. That’s what it feels like. —Barbara Sher, 2012

Barbara called this members-only program Hanging Out, because she wanted it to be like those wonderful moments just hanging out together at her retreats and weekend workshops. Patty Newbold will be your guide now that Barbara is no longer with us.

Registration Re-Opens April 3, 2025
$197 for a full year

Barbara put together her most beloved ideas and stories and wrote her best stuff ever for Hanging Out. This was bigger than writing another book. It was a huge job, but every minute was a labor of love for her. And with this program she gives you videos from her retreats and workshops, loads of audio, new interactive stuff and other amazing things we can’t describe here or we’ll go on forever. All this in addition to the exercises that made a big difference to you in the past.

After almost a year HO is still my favourite thing on the internet and in my inbox. So many things I could just read over and over and find something each time. The world didn’t change but I’m different in it. -JD

I’m excited about this exercise. I’ve printed it out to work on over the weekend. Barbara, I look forward to working it through and circling back. You’re a gemstone! -A Hanging Out member in Week 38

Once you’re a member, the rest will be easy. Every week, three times a week, via email, I’ll send you some very special things to read, watch and do. They’re not what you expect, I’m pretty sure of that. As much as you may like my books, what you’re going to find in Hanging Out is very new and very different. You’ll want to make comments, compare notes and talk to the other members of Hanging Out, and that’s exactly what happens here. It changes the whole experience into something entirely new, something most of us are missing and need as much as vitamins and sunshine. The effect on most members has been profound.

Registration Re-Opens April 3, 2025
$197 for a full year

You can’t get Hanging Out all at once like a book that ends up on that pile of books you plan to read, and you can’t stick it back on your bookshelf and forget what your life is supposed to be. Barbara learned too much about what’s important for us humans to take that kind of chance.

You’ll receive emails from Barbara every Monday, Wednesday and Friday for a year, announcing the day’s video, audio message, Identity Exercise, Reality Series success story or Brain Candy she prepared for you. Barbara’s Director of Sher Success Teams and WriteSpeak Coach, Patty Newbold, will be reading and responding to your online comments. You’ll also be able to read Barbara’s replies to comments from our first eight years of Hanging Out.

Hanging out has really developed clarity in my life. One thing that I love about you Barbara is that you never tell anyone to just try harder and you don’t shame in any way. You support and encourage which is so very rare. You make sense of the non-sense. This group has provided something wonderful for me. Even the subtle messages are always very powerful. —Michelle

So what is it?

It’s easier to say what it’s not. Hanging Out is not a how-to course or a motivation program. I sometimes think it’s designed for people who have worked too hard and forgot what it’s like to wake up in a goal-free world full of fresh, stimulating ideas, fun and camaraderie.

I’ll always have courses for you on Barbara’s Club so you can find your dreams and achieve your goals, but Hanging Out is not about goal achievement. Instead, it’s more like what one member called “a profound and delicious form of Identity Rehab.”

I absolutely love the idea of Barbara’s Club being integrated into the everyday world—nothing to leave behind—and a consistent source of inspiration. Thank you! —Victoria, by email

If you join us here, Barbara’s emails and online messages will be popping into your life briefly, happily and relentlessly, over and over, waking up your senses, making you laugh and go exploring and, most important of all, helping you remember who you are and how good life is supposed to be.

You’ll receive emails from Barbara every Monday, Wednesday and Friday for a year, announcing the day’s video, audio message, Identity Exercise, Reality Series success story or Brain Candy she prepared for you. Barbara’s Director of Sher Success Teams and WriteSpeak Coach, Patty Newbold, will be reading and responding to your online comments. You’ll also be able to read Barbara’s replies to comments from our first eight years of Hanging Out, before she passed away.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for creating Hanging Out with Barbara. There have been so many “favorite” posts. One that stands out is your description of how you decorated your apartment with all the glorious references to color. I wanted to sink into one of your armchairs and absorb it all. Finding our originality. Yes. Discovering ways to express it. Yes. Realizing that time is short and excuses long. Yes. Boxing up all our should, would and could and relaxing into today, into now, into this moment. Yes. Finding that joy is the reward for allowing oneself to just be who you are. Yes. So many wonderful lessons I have learned, relearned, and unlearned this year…What I have learned this year has changed my life. For that I am eternally grateful. – A Hanging Out Member at the end of the year

No risk – full refund if you cancel your subscription within the first 30 days

30 day money back guarantee$197 for a full year

OR pay by the month – $24 per month

Contact webmaster@barbarasclub.com if you encounter any problems with payment or if you don’t receive a “Thank You! And Welcome to Hanging Out” email within an hour after paying.

Registration Re-Opens on April 3, 2025

Buying a membership for someone else? Purchase a gift certificate. Good for a full year of Hanging Out at the then-current price whenever your recipient registers, which must be during an open registration period.

Purchase a gift certificate
$197 for a full year membership gift certificate

Pay $197 for a gift certificate to Hanging Out with PayPal or Stripe

Gift certificate mailed within 48 hours. Contact webmaster@barbarasclub.com if you do not receive yours.

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886 thoughts on “Hanging Out

  1. Akismet isn’t doing a good job when there are a bunch of comments posted by to profiles advertising security cameras. Definitely looks like spam to me.

    Really excited about the book club starting.

    I couldn’t help but start reading already since others had noted reading it multiple times and still benefitting from it.

    • Sorry about those, Roya. We’ll clean them up. While all of our new members are introducing themselves, we like to turn off the need for all new commenters to have their comments reviewed, and that’s why some of these get through. Glad you’ll be part of the book club!

  2. I have just listened to Barbara speak on a Ted talk… its priceless and thank you for sharing such authentic unvarnished experiences. I have such hope now for my dreams to come to fruition… the missing piece is not remaining in isolation and letting the obstacles become the why not the why nots! I have had two major accidents in the last six years (one a TBI and the other required four surgeries) the end of a long term relationship with a narcissist and financial challenges. I have recovered from the physical challenges and now am working on the emotional ones. I am grateful for life and the miracles that come into your world everyday…. this TedTalk is definitely one of them. Thank you thank you thank you …..

    Namaste Grace

    • It feels sooo good to have my talk make such a big difference to you, Grace. With warmth and affection, thank you.

      • I too am your fan for life because I found that TED video. I just wanted to say how inspiring you have been these last couple months since I discovered you and your books. It has truly turned my thinking around and now I don’t look at my unfinished projects as failures anymore. I look at them as learning successes. Thank you so much for not settling for what life handed you at 40 and for pressing on to be able to share your experiences and wisdom with us. It’s made me cry tears of joy to know you are still out there and still helping people like me. I lost my GrandMom, Grace,10 years ago (I call her GrandMom, because she adopted me and raised me and I want to show respect still for my Mother, Kim) Grace left us in disappointment, of me, because I was a failure in her eyes, but I know God doesn’t want us having that kind of judgment. I know forgiveness is the key to every judgment in this life… I just had to forgive myself first and your book “Refuse to choose” allowed me to see how to do that. Simply by accepting that I am a Scanner and a Learner and that some people (many people it turns out) are just made to be learners and explorers. Knowing that has finally set me free of my guilt. Thank you!
        You are an angel in my eyes and learning from you has been an answer to my prayers. I look at it like this. My faith though I don’t attend church is still enough to know that my GrandMom as bitter as she was to me is in heaven because of my belief in the promises we have from God. But I’ll save you the examples I have. I just know that I’m still loved and that she loves me today. We have this thing in our family that when we see birthday numbers of our family members that have passed away, it’s like they are trying to let us know they are thinking about us and I am constantly seeing 919 everywhere. Grace’s birthday was September 19, 1925.
        I am hoping to join you soon in your “Hanging out” group so I can glean even more of your wisdom.
        Thank you so much.
        Roya McCauley

  3. I just found this site after watching a Ted talk with Barbara. Going through an unexpected divorce after 23 years, dealing with depression over the loss and fear of my abilities to hsndie everything on my own. The idea of being part of a success team sounds like such a dream. James, thank you for sharing your story too, so inspirational. My only regret is waiting until July to do the Hang Out.

    This site shifted something in me and I feel more hopeful.

  4. Patty, I was unable to attend the bi-monthly calls. Is there a place on the site where they’ve been archived?
    Jim Schaffer

      • Hey Patty, can you please explain it for me to:) I’m going now on year three anyway but i would like to understand about year two – I still will have access to the year two messages and could write there? And whar about calls?

  5. Right now I’m in majorca Spain, I will be here for several months. I have an apartment overlooking the Mediterranean. These are my ideal days. I have had Barbara as a friend that I liked from her first book, Wishcraft, that I read in 1985, while I was living in Hawaii.

    I learned so much from just one exercise in that book ” What is your ideal day?”. I came up with the idea of Dream Inc. “Helping people achieve their dream.”. In the last 4 years hanging out, I survived depression, I went to Frankfurt to meet Barbara, something I wanted to do. I read her email in Oct 2014 saying that some coaches training was going to be her last. I booked a flight from LAX to Frankfurt that same night for Nov 14, 2014. I stayed in europe for 6 months. I travelled from Switzerland to Austria and all over Germany. Visiting the most fantastic friends I met in that class. I have spent many months back and forth. I visited for several months in Mallorca 2 years ago and came back for 3 months now. I still visit with people I met here.

    Barbara, has always encouraged me to pursue my Dream Inc, idea and I have. I wish you success following your dreams as I have. I don’t come on hanging out as often as I did in the beginning; however, as I sit in my living room in Spain listening to the ocean below my balcony I encourage you to hang out with Barbara. There is not something better you can do for yourself. Tschuss, Ciao, Adios, so long.
    Jim Chandler, if I can encourage you, it’s what I do.

    • The where is right here on this page. The when is January 6th. And the form to be notified is just below Barbara’s photo on this page, Ann Marie. Thanks for asking. I’m so glad you’re looking forward to Hanging Out.

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