Hanging Out

Hanging Out Registration Re-Opens in April 2025

Hanging Out will be the jewel in the crown of Barbara’s Club. To be honest, I think it’s going to be the jewel in the crown of my lifetime’s work. That’s what it feels like. —Barbara Sher, 2012

Barbara called this members-only program Hanging Out, because she wanted it to be like those wonderful moments just hanging out together at her retreats and weekend workshops. Patty Newbold will be your guide now that Barbara is no longer with us.

Registration Re-Opens April 3, 2025
$197 for a full year

Barbara put together her most beloved ideas and stories and wrote her best stuff ever for Hanging Out. This was bigger than writing another book. It was a huge job, but every minute was a labor of love for her. And with this program she gives you videos from her retreats and workshops, loads of audio, new interactive stuff and other amazing things we can’t describe here or we’ll go on forever. All this in addition to the exercises that made a big difference to you in the past.

After almost a year HO is still my favourite thing on the internet and in my inbox. So many things I could just read over and over and find something each time. The world didn’t change but I’m different in it. -JD

I’m excited about this exercise. I’ve printed it out to work on over the weekend. Barbara, I look forward to working it through and circling back. You’re a gemstone! -A Hanging Out member in Week 38

Once you’re a member, the rest will be easy. Every week, three times a week, via email, I’ll send you some very special things to read, watch and do. They’re not what you expect, I’m pretty sure of that. As much as you may like my books, what you’re going to find in Hanging Out is very new and very different. You’ll want to make comments, compare notes and talk to the other members of Hanging Out, and that’s exactly what happens here. It changes the whole experience into something entirely new, something most of us are missing and need as much as vitamins and sunshine. The effect on most members has been profound.

Registration Re-Opens April 3, 2025
$197 for a full year

You can’t get Hanging Out all at once like a book that ends up on that pile of books you plan to read, and you can’t stick it back on your bookshelf and forget what your life is supposed to be. Barbara learned too much about what’s important for us humans to take that kind of chance.

You’ll receive emails from Barbara every Monday, Wednesday and Friday for a year, announcing the day’s video, audio message, Identity Exercise, Reality Series success story or Brain Candy she prepared for you. Barbara’s Director of Sher Success Teams and WriteSpeak Coach, Patty Newbold, will be reading and responding to your online comments. You’ll also be able to read Barbara’s replies to comments from our first eight years of Hanging Out.

Hanging out has really developed clarity in my life. One thing that I love about you Barbara is that you never tell anyone to just try harder and you don’t shame in any way. You support and encourage which is so very rare. You make sense of the non-sense. This group has provided something wonderful for me. Even the subtle messages are always very powerful. —Michelle

So what is it?

It’s easier to say what it’s not. Hanging Out is not a how-to course or a motivation program. I sometimes think it’s designed for people who have worked too hard and forgot what it’s like to wake up in a goal-free world full of fresh, stimulating ideas, fun and camaraderie.

I’ll always have courses for you on Barbara’s Club so you can find your dreams and achieve your goals, but Hanging Out is not about goal achievement. Instead, it’s more like what one member called “a profound and delicious form of Identity Rehab.”

I absolutely love the idea of Barbara’s Club being integrated into the everyday world—nothing to leave behind—and a consistent source of inspiration. Thank you! —Victoria, by email

If you join us here, Barbara’s emails and online messages will be popping into your life briefly, happily and relentlessly, over and over, waking up your senses, making you laugh and go exploring and, most important of all, helping you remember who you are and how good life is supposed to be.

You’ll receive emails from Barbara every Monday, Wednesday and Friday for a year, announcing the day’s video, audio message, Identity Exercise, Reality Series success story or Brain Candy she prepared for you. Barbara’s Director of Sher Success Teams and WriteSpeak Coach, Patty Newbold, will be reading and responding to your online comments. You’ll also be able to read Barbara’s replies to comments from our first eight years of Hanging Out, before she passed away.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for creating Hanging Out with Barbara. There have been so many “favorite” posts. One that stands out is your description of how you decorated your apartment with all the glorious references to color. I wanted to sink into one of your armchairs and absorb it all. Finding our originality. Yes. Discovering ways to express it. Yes. Realizing that time is short and excuses long. Yes. Boxing up all our should, would and could and relaxing into today, into now, into this moment. Yes. Finding that joy is the reward for allowing oneself to just be who you are. Yes. So many wonderful lessons I have learned, relearned, and unlearned this year…What I have learned this year has changed my life. For that I am eternally grateful. – A Hanging Out Member at the end of the year

No risk – full refund if you cancel your subscription within the first 30 days

30 day money back guarantee$197 for a full year

OR pay by the month – $24 per month

Contact webmaster@barbarasclub.com if you encounter any problems with payment or if you don’t receive a “Thank You! And Welcome to Hanging Out” email within an hour after paying.

Registration Re-Opens on April 3, 2025

Buying a membership for someone else? Purchase a gift certificate. Good for a full year of Hanging Out at the then-current price whenever your recipient registers, which must be during an open registration period.

Purchase a gift certificate
$197 for a full year membership gift certificate

Pay $197 for a gift certificate to Hanging Out with PayPal or Stripe

Gift certificate mailed within 48 hours. Contact webmaster@barbarasclub.com if you do not receive yours.

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886 thoughts on “Hanging Out

  1. Hello,
    I’m a big fan – I cannot afford the 180 all at once – especially so near the holidays and end of year expenses. But I saw the monthly price and cheered, until I multiplied it out over the year – this is at the $348 price, not today’s special price.

    Will you offer the special today only price for a better monthly rate? Thank you!

    • Alice, it is only the full-year price that is going up tomorrow, but the monthly price will always be higher (for all 12 months) because it requires a lot more administrative work.

    • Beth, Hanging Out happens three times a week at your computer. You choose when. There is a new message from Barbara every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for a full year. You can read them in a few minutes, but the ideas, the exercises, and the sequencing are all designed to occupy your mind for a lot longer.

  2. Well, here I am, now I get to explore! I made the decision to join because I want to be in the company of others who are immersed in transformation and expression, not the consumption of mediocrity.

    It will be fun to see what happens. 😀

  3. Thank you for Hanging Out. I really need that professional boost and be “tapped” so that I can get rid of that laziness that creeps in, from time to time.
    My new avocation is Teaching English as a Second Language and it is so fruitful. ////I teach English to a 7 year old from Argentina. One day this week, the subject was a library. How it operates and how to borrow a book. I was explaining how libraries can be quite handy. “For example.” I said “To kill time, I go to the library for two hours before I come to your house and teach.” IN HORROR, my little student looked at me and said, “You killed someone?”
    So then I had to explain what the phrase “to kill time” meant! She felt reassured after I was able to explain further./////I look forward to you popping in…Metha

  4. Every time I listen to you I hear someone telling me that it’s ok to have so many things that I’m good at, that it’s ok to be so intelligent that I make others feel defensive and aggressive, or dismissive; it’s ok that I put all my talents in a box for so many years out of despair and the pain of having individuals insist that I had to pick *just one*. Thank you for telling me that it’s never too late to be so full of wonder at everything I look like someone easily distracted, which I’m not- I focus so intensely that I’ve put my hyperfocus aside due to the issues others had with it. I’m learning to again love the things in me that for decades I hid simply because even the simple act of speaking made me feel like an alien compared to those around me. I’m learning to love, to thrive with, to find utterly luscious and inspiring, the signal and ability within me. I thought I’d never feel the way I did as a child again; I thought the adult world had no space for it and for the most part it doesn’t; thank you so much for being a verdant island in a sea of profound blah. Perhaps there is a place for the things within me here after all…

    • So who do we talk to? Where’s the complaint department when a person with the kind of mind and insights that could bring delight to not only herself but to others, finds herself hidden away for years, having to put on protective covering and trying to stay silent? So many people hunger to be in the company of originality and intelligence. They sense they could see more, hear more, learn and laugh more if only someone would share their vision with the world.

  5. Hi Barbara
    Nice to be onboard though as usual seem to be rushing through. Love your identity exercise. Though simple, the sense of smell connected to a living plant is very “here and now”. Actually, I already do your exercise. While out walking there are many geranium bushes on the footpath (sidewalk). I pick and crush them to find out if they are lemon, peppermint or rose scented. Then I leave them in my pocket and revisit later. I am from the Blue Mountains in Australia and am fortunate to have a beautiful vista at my fingertips.


  6. Happy Birthday Barbara! Thanks for thinking of me and informing me of the ‘Hanging Out with Barbara Sher’ (Barbarasclub.com/hangingout). Is something I know will help me with completing some projects that I have in mind. I can pay the $29. monthly. My ideas will add to my income if I can get on the way of starting it.

  7. Happy Birthday, Barbara!
    I have been following your newsletters for years and participated in one of your workshops in San Jose, I think it was or somewhere on the south end of the SF Peninsula which I thoroughly enjoyed. Your books have been gems and I’m so sorry that I didn’t have more notice to join your Hanging Out group, but alas I am re-tooling myself for a new career and am not yet gainfully employed. Perhaps I could just pretend that the Santa Monica Peer went into a wormhole (sp?) and time stopped! lol
    One last thing for now–I’ve noticed that sometimes just one idea or one way of saying something, can completely change my perspective on an issue or a way of viewing of my life–and you, dear Barbara, have been the person among others in my life who has had that impact on me through your writings and your workshops. Thank from the bottom of my heart.
    I hope to join your Hanging Out group some time in the future. For now, I wish you excellent health, Happiness and all the most auspicious Blessing in your life.
    Sonoma, CA

  8. Happy Birthday, beautiful 🙂 I’m coming over after having finished WCWW3 (loved your class& exercises). I may be able to sign up for monthly subscription, I have to see what the computer man tells me tomorrow about my laptop’s future. In the meantime, I’ll be checking out everything else. I love your work, Barbara, & am grateful for having crossed

  9. Happy Birthday, Darling Barbara!
    The moon has not quite set here and I am so happy to have received this notice because it is still your birthday in the land of your birth. (Not that that matters one whit to you! But it does to me because then this is not a belated wish, but a full on big one right on time!)
    Much love,

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